Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year for trees, starts on the evening of January 24, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat.
This holiday happens to correlate perfectly with leaving a legacy gift-- Trees can last and sustain many generations in the same way that you can "plant" a legacy for the future growth of the South Jersey Jewish community.
As the Talmud reads:
“I found grown carob trees in the world as my forefathers planted these for me. So, I too, plant these for my children.”
Let us celebrate the future of our Jewish community by planting the seeds of life-sustaining trees AND the seeds of financial support via endowment funds for our important Jewish organizations in SNJ.
Your legacy gift can provide annual income to the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey and its family of agencies, synagogues, or day schools.
Leaving a legacy gift can be easy to do and may cost nothing during your lifetime through a gift in your will or a beneficiary designation of a life insurance policy, IRA, or other financial account.
With Life & Legacy Plus, you can commit to a legacy gift in the future, and even help any of the 20+ Jewish organizations in South Jersey earn incentive dollars up to $1,800 when you designate them as a beneficiary before April 1. Here's how:
Complete and submit a Letter of Intent form;
Complete and submit a Legacy Gift Confirmation form;
And/or contribute a current gift in any amount to a JCF-held endowment fund that benefits the organization you wish to support for the future
To learn more, please contact any legacy team of an organization participating in Life & Legacy Plus directly or the JCF at 856-673-2528 or infojcf@jfedsnj.org.
We hope you have a joyous Tu B'Shevat holiday. Chag sameach!