In spring, the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. announced that 20 individuals collectively received $38,000 in JCF Scholarship Awards to help defray the cost of post-high school education or experiential travel.
These scholarship awards are largely made possible by JCF donors who have established endowment funds that spinoff annual payouts.
After the JCF provided the awards in spring, some of the awardees have thoughtfully submitted thank you notes to our award donors and Scholarship Committee to express their appreciation for this financial assistance. Please enjoy several touching thank you notes (which have been lightly edited such as to remove school names):
"As a recipient of the 2024 JCF Student Opportunity Scholarship Award, I wanted to thank you for funding this scholarship. I am an incoming second-year honors student at (university name) studying Cell and Molecular Neuroscience, and one day hope to attend Physician Assistant school. Throughout my entire life, I have had a profound connection to Israel given that my entire family resides there. As an Israeli Jew, I have taken great pride in standing with Israel and combatting antisemitism here in America. Thanks to this scholarship, I am able to reduce my work schedule and focus more on continuing to make such an impact.
"Thank you again for your investment in students like me. I hope to continue educating my peers about Israel not only on campus, but wherever life takes me afterward."
Ella A.
"I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for receiving the Leonard Jay Hirschfeld Memorial Award. It truly makes a big difference in the technology costs associated with beginning college next year, and to know that people support me in my academic journey! Since applying for the award, I've committed to (college name), to study Chemistry and Jewish Studies. The Hirschfeld Award allows me to enter this new stage in my life with one less thing to worry about (with much of new technology costs are now covered), and I'm very excited to see what the next four years bring for me!"
Ross K.
"I am deeply honored to have been selected to receive the Susan Love Memorial Award. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
"Funding my graduate degree while my oldest daughter is in college has been a financial challenge. Earning my PhD has been a lifelong dream of mine, and I'm thrilled to be realizing it with your support."
With enormous thanks and kindest regards,
Lisa K.
"Thank you so much for The Benjamin Asbell Upsilon Lambda Phi Fraternity Award, Valerie Gladfelter Scholarship Award, and the Leonard Jay Hirschfeld Memorial Award. I greatly appreciate these scholarships and awards. I love being a part of the Jewish community. Whether it is my work as President of the (high school name) Jewish American Cultural Club, attending (synagogue name), or BBYO, I know what I am doing is positively impacting others as well as enriching my own life. I am attending the (university name) next year and am excited to become involved with Hillel and Jewish organizations on campus. Because it is a tough time to be a Jewish student on college campuses, I am aware of the challenges I might face and I am prepared to address any issues as they may come. Thank you again for this honor."
Charlotte B.
"I’m truly honored to have been selected as a recipient of the Student Opportunity Scholarship Award for the 2024-2025 academic year. I will be using this scholarship towards the purchase of books and other materials needed to begin my Freshman Year at (university name).
"By awarding me this scholarship, you have lightened my financial burden which will allow me to focus more on the important aspects of my education. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me."
Asher K.
On behalf of the JCF Scholarship Committee, Board, and Staff, thanks, JCF Scholarship awardees, for the thanks! And also, thank YOU-- todah rabah-- for reaching for your dreams and making this a better world for the future, we are proud to be there to support you.
Apply for the 2025 JCF Scholarship Awards Cycle
Stay tuned for information about the application process for the 2025 JCF Scholarship Awards Cycle, which we aim to launch in December 2024 and have an application deadline in March 2025.
Thank you!