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Nonprofits Serving SNJ May Apply for Fall 2024 JCF Grants

Updated: Aug 15

Nonprofits serving SNJ: Apply for Fall 2024 JCF Grants by Oct. 30

The Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. invites nonprofits including synagogues that serve Southern New Jersey to apply for the Fall 2024 JCF Grants Cycle.

We are excited that this fall marks a special milestone:

We are now entering our 50th cycle of providing JCF Grants.

Wow! How did that happen so fast?

To borrow an old saying, "Time flies when you're granting funds!"

Below are the key details regarding the application process, with full information available on the JCF Grants webpage:

  • IMPORTANT: Please use our UPDATED APPLICATION (MS Word doc will download), which has been streamlined compared to the most recent version.

  • The application deadline is Wednesday, October 30 at 5 pm.

  • A complimentary Grants Workshop will be held on Thursday, September 19 at 9:00 a.m., in a hybrid format. This will be a chance for prospective applicants to learn more about JCF Grants and have time for Q&A. To RSVP and for room and Zoom info, please contact us today.

  • JCF Grant funding is for new and innovative programs and services, or emerging critical needs in Southern New Jersey. Note that funding is NOT intended to be used for existing initiatives in an organization's budget or for fundraising events. For full details please review the JCF Grants Guidelines.

  • Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations including synagogues serving Burlington, Camden, and Gloucester counties in Southern New Jersey may apply.

  • Any organization may submit more than one request, with a new application required for each request.

  • The maximum request amount to be considered is $5,000.

  • Awards will be announced by early December. Requests should be submitted for programs starting after that time, preferably January 1, 2025 or later.

  • Grantees will have until November 30, 2025 to complete the program and request reimbursement. Awardees should save their receipts, invoices, etc. to ensure expedited payment.

Thank you for your interest in JCF Grants, we look forward to hearing about some exciting new initiatives!


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