With the High Holy Days upon us, the Board and staff of the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. wish you Shanah Tovah—a happy, healthy, sweet, and meaningful New Year ahead.
In the September 8, 2021 issue of the Jewish Community Voice, the JCF's Money Matters column shared these 4 JCF services that you can use to support your shul now and for many future generations:
Donor advised fund: Use this account to easily pay your annual dues or other donations.
Endowment fund: Think about how your annual dues can support your beloved shul every year for decades to come, even after your lifetime.
LIFE & LEGACY: Commit to a legacy and you may earn your shul an incentive bonus.
JCF Grant: The JCF provides funding for new and innovative services benefiting the community.
We welcome you to enjoy the full Money Matters column, and please contact us with any feedback or questions. Thank you!
Image by Nadine Doerlé from Pixabay