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Happy Tu B'Shevat! We Plant a Legacy for the Future

Writer: JCFJCF

"I found a fruitful world, because my ancestors planted it for me.

Likewise I am planting for my children."

-Talmud, Taanit 23A

Happy Tu B'Shevat! We plant a legacy for the future

Read on for a special gift for SNJ legacy donors in honor of Tu B'shevat!

The holiday of Tu B'Shevat celebrates the season in which the earliest-blooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle.

The fruit, shade, and countless other benefits that trees provide often take years, if not decades, for people to be able to enjoy, which is why planting a seed now is essential for benefiting future generations who come after us.

Similarly, to ensure the future of our Jewish community in Southern New Jersey as well as in Israel and around the world, today's generations must be forward-thinking. One way to do so is by creating a legacy gift.

Put simply: A legacy gift is a donation provided after one's lifetime that supports any charitable organization that the donor chooses.

When leaving a legacy gift, you will help to grow an endowment fund that spins off annual income to benefit the charitable organization(s) of your choice. Think of it as a continuation of your yearly support that you currently provide, but extended for many decades on end. In addition, you will be conveying a meaningful message to loved ones that you believe helping others is incredibly vital.

The Life & Legacy initiative of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation has brought legacy giving to the forefront in our South Jersey Jewish community as well as about 70 others. By committing to a legacy gift, formalizing your legacy gift, and/or contributing a current gift into any endowment fund that benefits our SNJ Jewish community, you can leave a wonderful personal legacy while also helping your selected beneficiary organization(s) earn incentive dollars this year, if you do so by March 31.

This Tu B'Shevat, please consider leaving your legacy gift to benefit the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey and its family of agencies and/or any synagogue, day school, or other Jewish nonprofit in Burlington, Camden, or Gloucester counties. It's a perfect way to plant the seed for the future.

From generation to generation, "L'dor v'dor."

And now... a special Tu B'Shevat thank you gift for anybody who has committed a legacy gift through Life & Legacy in SNJ or who has already established an endowment fund with the JCF:

You are invited to the opening night event of the Katz JCC's Jewish Film Festival on Monday, March 17, which includes a Festival Opening Reception at 6 pm, the screening of the film ALLIANCE at 7 pm, and a panel discussion afterwards. Learn more here.

To reserve your seat, please email Mike Staff by March 10, 2025.

Thank you to the hundreds of individuals who have already committed to leaving a legacy gift to benefit the South Jersey Jewish community-- you are helping to make life "fruitful" for the children of tomorrow. We hope to see many of you at this engaging event.

Ready to create your Jewish legacy? It can be incredibly easy to establish your legacy gift and can even cost nothing during your lifetime, such as by including a gift in your will or estate plans or by updating the beneficiary designations on your IRA, life insurance policy, or other financial account. To learn more or get started, please contact a legacy team member of any local Jewish organization or reach out to JCF Assistant Director Mike Staff at 856-673-2528 today.

The JCF would also like to thank SEI for its sponsorship of Life & Legacy in Southern New Jersey.

Thank you and enjoy a happy Tu B'Shevat! Chag sameach!



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