Spring marks a busy time for financial awards provided by the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc., as well as the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey and its family of agencies.
Please note the following opportunities and deadlines:
JCF Awards:
JCF Scholarship Awards: SNJ scholars pursuing post-high school education may apply by Tuesday, March 1 at 5:00 p.m.
JCF Emerging Leader Award (Asbell): SNJ Jewish community leaders may nominate an emerging leader in high school by Tuesday, March 1 at 5:00 p.m.
JCF Grants: For nonprofits (including synagogues) to request funding for new and innovative programs and services, apply by Friday, March 18 at 4:00 p.m.
Other Opportunities from the Jewish Federation & Agencies
Jewish Women's Foundation Grants: For nonprofits serving women and children, the Letter of Intent submission deadline is Monday, February 21 at 4:00 p.m.
Jewish Federation Financial Assistance for Youth: Funds are available for Jewish overnight camp as well as teen Israel or leadership programs.
The Dr. Paul Winkler Award provides a stipend to one teacher who enrolls in the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education Summer Seminar.
The Richard C. Goodwin-Josiah DuBois Humanitarian Award is given to deserving students who exemplify the outstanding attributes of Josiah DuBois through exemplary community service.