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New Camden Cemetery

Overhead map of New Camden Cemetery with

Searching for Gravestones at New Camden Cemetery?


Start Here:

Step 1: Locating a Gravestone

  • Need Information for a Jewish burial at New Camden Cemetery?

    • If your loved one would have been buried in the Jewish section of New Camden Cemetery, please click here to visit

      • Note: After clicking the above link, a new window will open to go to, which is not affiliated with the JCF, and you may need to enter an email address to utilize the site.

    • Over 90% of the Jewish burials in this cemetery will be listed in the database. 

    • For any further questions, please email us and we will respond to you within two business days. For assistance in locating a grave, please include the name of the deceased and the year (or approximate year) of death, if known. 

    • Donations to support upkeep of the Jewish sections are greatly appreciated and will be added to the New Camden Cemetery Endowment Fund held by the JCF.

      • Please complete the form included on this page or click here to donate; or

      • Contact us if you would like to donate appreciated stock or other assets; or

      • Mail a check to:

JCF, Inc.,

1301 Springdale Rd., Suite 200

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

Attn: Donor Services

(Indicate "NCC" in the check memo)

  • Need Information for a non-Jewish burial at New Camden Cemetery:

    • If your loved one would have been buried in the secular (non-Jewish) section of New Camden Cemetery, please try calling the City of Camden's Public Works Department, which owns the grounds. The number to call to locate graves in the secular section is 856-757-7132. For contact information for other cemeteries in Camden, click here.

    • Please note that the JCF only oversees the Jewish section of New Camden Cemetery as described above, which is less than a quarter of the entire property, and we do not have burial information for the rest of the grounds. Thank you for your understanding. 

Step 2: Visiting the Cemetery

The New Camden Cemetery is open year-round for visitors and is located at:


Mt. Ephraim Ave. & Ferry Ave.

(also bordered by Sayrs Ave. and Hallowell Ln.)

Camden, NJ 08107

If you have located the gravestone(s) you are planning to visit, please click here to view the overhead map of the cemetery's 10 sections. The Jewish sections are located in fenced-in parcels in Sections D & J.



About the New Camden Cemetery

The Jewish Community Foundation, Inc., among our normal daily activities of administering endowment funds, also has the unique and venerable task of assisting with a part of Southern New Jersey Jewish history: the Jewish portion of New Camden Cemetery.


Located in Camden at the Northeast corner of Ferry Ave. and Mt. Ephraim Ave., the New Camden Cemetery has been in existence for over 100 years, with tombstones dating back to the 1890s, and is believed to be one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in Southern New Jersey.


Many local leaders, veterans (of which there are approximately 20), and other community members from a variety of backgrounds have been interred there over the years.


The Jewish sections of the cemetery are fenced-in from the broader portion of the cemetery and amounts to about two acres in total. 


We appreciate any contributions to help ensure that the cemetery remains in good shape both now and for future generations.


We also appreciate the help of volunteers for important projects.


For cemetery-related questions, please email us or call 856-673-2528.




Notes about New Camden Cemetery


  • If you are interested in holding a community service mitzvah project to help with cemetery upkeep, please email the JCF and somebody will get back to you to discuss in more detail. Thank you!

  • The total property that the JCF oversees amounts to about two acres.


  • There are two fenced-in rectangular sections that the JCF oversees, which are carved out of a much larger cemetery that is overseen by the City of Camden.


  • These Jewish sections run alongside Ferry Avenue. There is plenty of parking along the perimeter of these sections.


  • The main entrance to the entire cemetery is on Mt. Ephraim Avenue. The two Jewish sections are on the right side of the property when you enter and separated by an unfenced, secular section.


  • Several organizations have sections at the cemetery. The "old" section, which is the at the corner of Mt. Ephraim & Ferry Aves was established for Congregation Sons of Israel constituents. The "new" section has been used by organizations such as Congregation Sons of Israel, Progress Lodge, and Workmen's Circle. There is also a prayer book burial section.


  • Occasional burials are still held at the cemetery.


  • Some of the gravestones may be difficult to read after wearing away over time. We discourage visitors from making contact with the gravestones as many techniques can be damaging. Instead, try shining a flashlight to the side of the stone to help you see the indentations more clearly, or try wetting the stone with water, which may also help bring out the contrast. 


  • The gates at the cemetery do not lock, so you may enter freely as needed, but please use extreme caution whenever visiting the cemetery. Over time, some of the graves may have sunken in, or headstones can topple over.

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